
Cynosure's Renowned Q-Switched Laser Technology for Tattoo, Skin, and Pigment Treatment

Building on the foundational ConBio™ Q-Switched laser technology, the Revlite SI system offers multiple wavelengths, delivering superior performance, comfort, and power. This technology is globally recognized and trusted by practitioners.

Power, Versatility, and Adaptability

The Revlite SI laser utilizes wavelengths for effective non-ablative skin resurfacing. It is proficient in reducing wrinkles and acne scars, treating pigmented lesions including melasma, and addressing a range of tattoo colors.

SmartInfinite™ (SI) Handpiece
MultiLite™ Dye Handpieces
PhotoAcoustic Technology Pulse™ (PTP) Mode
Precision Beam Technology

Precision, Performance, and Patient Comfort

Enhance your capabilities with our innovative handpieces. The SI handpiece offers spot size adjustments down to 0.1mm and features automatic device recognition for swift and precise treatments. For smaller pigmented lesions that require low fluences, the 532Lite handpiece offers the control and precision you need. With the PTP mode, you can deliver two pulses just microseconds apart for increased energy delivery, aiming to enhance results and boost patient comfort.

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